Responsible Investments
NFU Mutual is committed to practicing a responsible approach to investment that both supports positive environmental and social outcomes and delivers on investment performance targets.

Considering Environmental, Social and Governance principles
It’s our responsibility to invest our customers’ money carefully. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles are included in all investment decision-making and our fund managers consider factors such as the impact upon society or the climate, alongside traditional financial measures.
We are proud signatories of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), supported by the United Nations, and a member of the Investor Forum, as we believe both enhance our stewardship capabilities and help to raise standards across the investment industry.
We are also very pleased to be signatories of the UK Stewardship Code, with its admirable aim of setting high stewardship standards for those investing on behalf of savers and pensioners.
We are working to reduce the emissions of our investment portfolios, as part of our Net Zero Roadmap. To ensure we are able to monitor progress against this we have onboarded a market leading ESG data provider.
Our responsibilities when investing extend into our shareholder engagement and voting decisions. We believe that strong stewardship and engagement can lead to improved corporate behaviours and help accelerate change.
All of our Fund Managers are qualified Chartered Financial Analysts or Members of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, depending on their area. Over half of our internal fund managers now hold Environmental, social and governance investing qualifications, and we aim to grow that to 100% by the end of 2025.
To learn more about our approach to responsible investment:
View our Stewardship Code report
Responsible property investment
Our property investments strategy works to support NFU Mutual’s Responsible Business ambitions. Across the property investments portfolio, there has been significant change over a relatively short period of time. For example, we have moved quickly to ensure 97% of all property investments now have an energy performance rating of C or better, and 54% of B or better, ahead of an expected legislative deadline of 2027 for C ratings and 2030 for B ratings.
We are also investing in renewable energy ventures at some of our key investment sites. For example, across our retail parks, we’re partnering with Gridserve to install 68 electric car charging points.
Our responsible property investment approach extends to the ways we interact with and manage our tenants, conducting operations with society and the environment in mind. We are implementing a new green lease framework to enhance collaboration between ourselves and our tenants to help both parties deliver on their Responsible Business ambitions.

Explore our report
Our Responsible Investments activity is just one of the ways we deliver against our amibition of Doing Business the Right Way. To learn more about our strategy and actions, explore our latest Responsible Business Report.