Thank you for notifying us of your claim.
We have received the information you provided, we will be in contact with you as soon as possible to confirm your claim number and share any additional information relating to your claim.
What happens next?
We are receiving a high volume of new claims and there may be a short delay before your claim is logged on our system, so if you need to speak to us about your claim before we contact you, please leave 24 hours before calling us.
However, if you require urgent assistance, please call us as soon as possible on one of the following numbers and advise that you have reported your claim via our website:
Bristol Claims Team (Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm): 0117 424 8888
York Claims Team - (Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm): 0190 456 5000
Emergency Out of hours; Monday – Friday outside 8am - 6pm or weekends - 0800 282652
Alternatively, please phone your local NFU Mutual Agency office, details of which can be found in your policy documents.