Climate Change Disclosures

Climate change is a global challenge and many of its impacts, such as, flooding, heatwaves, wildfires and sea-level rise, are already being felt. There are also wider impacts such as rising prices, impacts on supply chains and effects on the economy which will impact countries, businesses and society.
At NFU Mutual we recognise the shared global responsibility for responding to climate change. We established our Climate Change Strategy in 2020 and publicly launched our Net Zero Roadmap in 2022. Our strategy sets out our mission to respond to the insurance needs of our members and actively reduce our own environmental impact. It also aims to ensure that we remain resilient to climate change impacts, take advantage of opportunities in our core markets and become a Net Zero business by 2050.
Our disclosures set out climate-related information for our stakeholders, including customers, suppliers and our employees. They also meet the Financial Conduct Authority’s regulatory disclosure requirements, to produce company-level and fund-level climate change disclosures, as set out in their ESG sourcebook.
Climate Change Report
The company-level Climate Change Report provides our customers with information about our climate change strategy and how we are identifying and managing the risks and opportunities from climate change.
NFU Mutual Climate Change Report [3.4 MB]
To help your understanding of the terms used in the reports we have developed a glossary.
Transition Plan
Climate Change is our highest priority focus area within our ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) strategy.
We take the impact of our operations on the world we all live in seriously. We are aiming to both reduce our own environmental impact and support our members in their climate efforts.
In this inaugural Climate Transition Plan, we’ve outlined the action we’re taking to reduce our emissions footprint and promote environmentally sustainable practices.
We believe it’s important to share where we are on our journey to Net Zero so that, together, we can work to ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.
Fund-level disclosures
The fund-level disclosures show climate metrics for each investment fund and our approach to managing the fund with consideration for climate change including how future scenarios could impact fund returns.