STORM CLAIMS: If your property has been damaged as a result of the recent weather conditions and you don't need us to take urgent action you can notify us online of your claim.

If you do require urgent action to be taken by us, call: 0800282652

STORM CLAIMS: If your property has been damaged as a result of the recent weather conditions and you don't need us to take urgent action you can notify us online of your claim.

If you do require urgent action to be taken by us, call: 0800282652

Farming Insurance

Helping to protect you and your farm with our expert advice.

With over 110 years of insurance knowledge, we know the farming industry inside and out.

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Speak to your local agency office, who are on hand to offer face-to-face advice for all your farming needs.

What we can offer you and your farm

As the UK’s leading rural insurer, we're always looking for ways to keep ahead of industry trends, to ensure your farming business is in safe hands. So, whatever your farming insurance needs, whether smallholdings of a few animals, to larger more complex operations, we can protect your livelihood and your future.

What's next?

Take out a new policy

Ready to buy a Farming Insurance policy? We can help you to make sure that you get the right cover.

Existing customers

Get a new quotation, discuss your renewal, make changes to, or cancel your Farming Insurance policy.

Make a claim

Notify us of a new Farming Insurance claim or speak to us about a claim that is in progress.