With-Profits Documents

When investing in our With-Profits fund you will have been referred to a multitude of documents in relation to your policy.
To help ensure that you have convenient access to these documents we have pulled them all together in one place.
Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM) [PDF: 290KB]
Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM) Appendix [PDF: 234KB]
Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM) Summary of Changes [PDF: 92KB]
NFU Mutual With-Profits (Risk Level 2) PN Series D1 Investor Information Document [PDF: 105KB]*
NFU Mutual With-Profits (Risk Level 3) PN Series D1 Investor Information Document [PDF: 86KB]*
*These funds are only available to investors in the My Investments Select Pension Plan.
Your guide to our funds [PDF: 364KB]
A guide to Conventional With-Profits [PDF: 143KB]
A guide to the With-Profits Annuity [PDF: 85KB]
A guide to Unit-Linked Investments [PDF: 214KB]
Managed Funds Factsheet [PDF: 587KB]