STORM CLAIMS: If your property has been damaged as a result of the recent weather conditions and you don't need us to take urgent action you can notify us online of your claim. 

If you do require urgent action to be taken by us, call: 0800282652

STORM CLAIMS: If your property has been damaged as a result of the recent weather conditions and you don't need us to take urgent action you can notify us online of your claim. 

If you do require urgent action to be taken by us, call: 0800282652


Local Community

North East Somerset Jacob Rees-Mogg at a meeting with local farmers

Free Trailer Marking at Frome Market

Agents Andrew Smith & Heather Wareham attended and part funded a trailer marking morning at Frome Livestock market with police officers from the Avon and Somerset Rural Affairs Unit and DATATAG.  Agricultural machinery and vehicle theft is one of the most prevalent types of rural crime, with the cost of stolen property running into tens of millions each year.

Theft of farm trailers, which are in high demand and relatively easy for thieves to steal, is sadly on the rise. We spent the morning marking trailers with DATA Tag kits, a total of 38 trailers marked.  A great mornings work.


Farm Safety Open Day

We held our first Farm Safety event at Manor Farm at the end of March.  Farming clients and their staff heard talks from The Farm Safety Foundation otherwise known as Yellow Wellies, about Farm Safety and Mental Health in farming with a “little book of Mind your Head” given to everyone who attended.. They also heard from the Police Rural Crime team about preventing farm thefts and also from NFU Mutual Risk Management Consultants about health and safety on farms.  Everyone then in teams went around the farm to hazard points to identify hazards and  health and safety issues followed by a pasty.


Office Manager Beckie Nurdin trains as COVID Vaccination Care Volunteer

We are very proud of Beckie, our Office Manager, who has just completed her training as a COVID Vaccination Care Volunteer. The training involved refreshing her knowledge on basic life support skills as well as learning about each of the vaccines, storage and administration, legal aspects and safeguarding.

COVID Vaccination Care Volunteers will be supporting patients all the way through from arrival to discharge after having their vaccination. They will help people get to the right place to receive their vaccination and be on hand to provide first aid if anyone has a medical emergency. They work alongside St John and NHS colleagues to deliver the vaccination service.

Pigs at Bath City Farm get new home thanks to NFU Mutual donation 2020

Local charity Bath City Farm has received a donation of £900 from NFU Mutual. Based in the Twerton area, the charity looks to support disadvantaged and disabled people to develop new skills and confidence, boost emotional, mental, physical and social wellbeing and educate people on farming and where their food comes from.

The donation will be used to refurbish the farm’s pig enclosures.  The pigs live at the farm and form part of many of the projects run on site, helping individuals grow confidence, social networks and new skills.

The £900 donation comes from NFU Mutual’s Community Giving Fund, which was set up in 2005 by NFU Mutual’s Head Office to support causes that make important differences in the communities where NFU Mutual staff and Agents live and work.

Helen Fisher, Manager at Bath City Farm, said: “We are delighted to receive this grant from NFU Mutual towards the new pig pens. Important infrastructure for our animals isn’t an easy thing to fundraise for, but it is so integral to being able to run our projects safely. The pigs are such an attraction for many children that visit the farm and are firm favourites of the people that use our projects.” 

Heather Wareham, Agent at NFU Mutual in Bath, said: “We are proud to have been able to support Bath City Farm with this project. It will make such a positive difference to the local community, helping to grow skills and combat isolation. As the UK’s leading rural insurer, we understand the wellbeing benefits of connecting with farming and the countryside, and are excited to support a project that brings these benefits to a more urban community.”

Staff Member's Charity Skydive

On 28th September (weather permitting) our Office Supervisor, Beckie, will be completing a charity skydive, jumping from a plane with an experienced instructor at up to 15,000 ft.

Global's Make Some Noise is a national charity that funds and empowers projects helping disadvantaged children, young people and their families.

Life is tough for a child or young person living with illness, disability or lack of opportunity. It can be very isolating for them and their family. Make Some Noise funds vital equipment and life-changing services to help children and young people through challenging times, including therapy, counselling, nursing and support groups.

Local Farmers Meeting with Jacob Rees-Mogg

North East Somerset MP Jacob Rees-Mogg (stood at the far right in the header) attended a meeting held with local farmers to highlight issues affecting farming including basic farm payments, neonicotinoids and Brexit talks.

Bristol Good Food Awards

NFU Mutual Bath team at the Bristol Good Food Awards

We were delighted to sponsor the Bristol Good Food Awards jointly with NFU Mutual Thornbury to celebrate local food producers, cafes, restaurants in and around Bristol.

A P R Smith & H G Wareham is an appointed representative of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited.