Principles and Practices of Financial Management

Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM)
Our PPFM was last changed on 1st January 2024, we have produced a Summary of Changes document you can download that outlines the changes that were made. The PPFM sets out the detail of how we manage our With-Profits funds.
We have also produced an appendix to the PPFM. This contains additional useful information about our With-Profits business.
You can download the Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM) [PDF: 290KB] and Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM) Appendix [PDF: 210KB].
To ensure fairness, the NFU Mutual Board set up a With-Profits Committee to advise them on the management of the with-profits business, ensure compliance with the PPFM and look after the rights, interests and expectations of different with-profits policyholders.
Unitised With-Profits
We call a With-Profits policy unitised when your investment buys units in the With-Profits Fund. If you want to invest in a new unitised With-Profits policy or you have one of the following NFU Mutual policies, you should read Your Guide to Our Funds [PDF: 364KB].
- Flexibond
- Shrewd Savings Plan ISA
- Personal Pension Account
- Additional Voluntary Contributions Plan
- Group Personal Pension Plan
If you have one of the following NFU Mutual policies, which are unitised With-Profits but no longer open to new business, and require further information please contact us on 0800 622 323.
- Capital Access Bond
- Personal Pension Plan
- Executive Pension Plan
- With-Profits Personal Pension Plan
- Capital Investment Bond
- NFU Mutual Vintage Bond
Conventional With-Profits
If you have a Conventional With-Profits contract, you should read A guide to Conventional With-Profits [PDF: 143KB]. We call a With-Profits policy conventional when we guarantee to pay out an agreed amount when the policy matures. This could be a lump sum (the sum assured) or a series of payments (an annuity or pension). NFU Mutual Conventional With-Profits policies include:
- Endowments (a regular savings contract that promises to pay a minimum amount at the maturity date), including minimum cost endowments
- Whole of life policies (a regular premium policy that promises to pay out a minimum amount on death), including low cost whole of life policies
- Any other With-Profits policy taken out before 1st July 1988
With-Profits Annuity
If you have a With-Profits Annuity contract you should read A guide to the With-Profits Annuity [PDF: 85KB].