STORM CLAIMS: If your property has been damaged as a result of the recent weather conditions and you don't need us to take urgent action you can notify us online of your claim. 

If you do require urgent action to be taken by us, call: 0800282652

STORM CLAIMS: If your property has been damaged as a result of the recent weather conditions and you don't need us to take urgent action you can notify us online of your claim. 

If you do require urgent action to be taken by us, call: 0800282652

NFU Mutual and Brexit

Updated 03/09/2021

What has Brexit meant for NFU Mutual policies?

The vast majority of our customers’ policies have not been affected by Brexit. Typically, NFU Mutual customers insure their homes, farms, cars and much more in the United Kingdom, and customers with insurance policies for these UK risks haven't seen any change to their cover. 

Green Cards and driving your car abroad

On 30 June 2021 the European Commission announced that from 2 August 2021, UK drivers no longer need to carry a motor insurance Green Card when driving in the Green Card Circulation Zone. This includes the European Union, Andorra, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Montenegro.  This is great news - particularly for motorists crossing the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. 

Green Cards will still need to be issued for travel to countries outside of the Green Card Circulation Zone. You can check whether the country you are travelling to is within the Green Card Circulation Zone on

Please contact your local NFU Mutual Agent or Mutual Direct If you require a Green Card.

Our car and LGV insurance policies also provide the same level of cover in many European countries for no extra charge. Please contact your local NFU Mutual Agent or Mutual Direct for details of the cover you will have when travelling abroad, for a quote to extend cover if necessary, or if you require a Green Card for travelling outside of the Free Circulation Zone.

Driving in the Republic of Ireland

All of our motor policies provide cover in the Republic of Ireland to the same level as you have in the UK for no extra charge. 

Continental Breakdown Cover

The continental breakdown cover which we offer to our customers will also operate as normal. Please contact your local NFU Mutual Agent or Mutual Direct for more information. 

Travel insurance and the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

Current European Health Insurance Cards (EHIC) may still be valid in some countries from 1 January 2021. The Government website provides up to date information about this: However, it remains important to have appropriate travel insurance in place when travelling outside the UK. For information on the cover NFU Mutual travel insurance provides, please speak to your local NFU Mutual Agent or call Mutual Direct on 0808 231 3755.

NFU Mutual Life policyholders who are currently living in the EU outside of the UK

If you are an NFU Mutual Life Policyholder who has moved outside of the UK to another EU country and want to know if Brexit has affected the plans you hold with us, please contact us on 0800 622 323 or emailing
As an EU resident, if you have a UK bank account it is possible that it may have been closed during the Brexit process. If you are impacted by this, please contact us to arrange an alternative payment method by calling 0800 622 323 or emailing