Castlecroft Business Centre Tom Johnston Road, Dundee, DD4 8XD
Call us: 9am-8pm
01307 463 785
Visit us: 9am-5pm
Castlecroft Business Centre Tom Johnston Road, Dundee, DD4 8XD
About Forfar
Our team

Jeremy Parker - ACII, Chartered Insurer
Jeremy has over 25 years’ experience as an NFU Mutual Agent in advising business owners and managers on their insurance and risk management programmes…

Sean Mochan
Sean has over 10 years’ experience working with NFU Mutual in several roles. Sean brings a wealth of experience in personal, commercial and agricultur…
Carol, Pam, Dawn, Lyn, Charlotte & Angelina
The Office Team
The team are drawn from across Dundee & Angus, combining experience and local knowledge to really make a difference whether your enquiry or claim rela…
Peter Moran Dip.PFS
Financial Adviser
Peter has worked in financial services over the past 18 years and since 2003 he has worked for NFU Mutual, providing financial advice to individuals a…
NFU Mutual Financial Advisers advise on NFU Mutual products and selected products from specialist providers. When you contact us we'll explain the advice services we offer and the charges. Financial advice is provided by NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited. Inheritance Tax advice is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Risk Management Services are provided by NFU Mutual Risk Management Services Limited and are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or the Prudential Regulation Authority.
P J Parker & S Mochan is an appointed representative of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited. And an introducer to NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited, a member of the NFU Mutual group of companies.
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