
Autumn tree and leaves

Call us: 0808 159 9510

Make a complaint online

Complaints data

We set ourselves high standards but are the first to admit that mistakes can happen.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of our service please tell us immediately and give us the chance to put things right.

What details we will require

To help us deal with your complaint promptly please:

  • Provide a reference number. This could be a policy number or claim reference
  • State your case clearly and include relevant dates

How will you deal with my complaint?

We will:

  • Confirm in writing that we are dealing with your complaint and provide you with a point of contact
  • Make sure your complaint is investigated thoroughly and fairly by a trained complaint handler
  • Resolve any mistakes we have made
  • We will send you an email explaining the outcome of your complaint

How quickly will you deal with my complaint?

We will resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. If your complaint is likely to take longer we will provide you with updates on our position at 4 and 8 weeks as per our regulatory timeframe.

What do I do if I am not happy with the outcome?

If you remain unhappy with the outcome of your complaint you may be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).

We will tell you how you can do this if it applies to your complaint. Their service is free, impartial and contacting them will not prejudice your complaint or legal rights.