The Old Dairy, Sheet Road, Ludlow, SY8 1LR
About Ludlow
Our team

Nigel Morgan
Senior Agent
Nigel has over 30 years' experience in the insurance and finance industry. He is able to offer help and guidance on NFU Mutual's products and services…

Julia Sadler
Julia has been agent at Ludlow since 1997 and has a wide range of experience providing help on the products and services NFU Mutual provide. Her profe…
Laura Matthews
Office Manager
Laura has over 15 years' experience in the insurance industry and also looks after our Risk Management Services.
Richard Walker
Claims Manager
Richard acts as our main point of contact for customers with claims enquires and also helps with their general insurance needs.
Dan Killingbeck
Risk Management Sales Consultant
Dan advises our clients on all aspects of risk management and health and safety. This valuable service ensures that our clients comply with the ever changing legal requirements.
NFU Mutual Financial Advisers advise on NFU Mutual products and selected products from specialist providers. When you contact us we'll explain the advice services we offer and the charges. Financial advice is provided by NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited. Inheritance Tax advice is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Risk Management Services are provided by NFU Mutual Risk Management Services Limited and are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority or the Prudential Regulation Authority.
N T Morgan & J M Sadler is an appointed representative of The National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited. And an introducer to NFU Mutual Select Investments Limited, a member of the NFU Mutual group of companies.
For security and training purposes calls may be recorded and monitored.

NFU Mutual Agency Giving Fund 2024
We are proud to have nominated Ludlow & District Riding for the Disabled Association to receive a donation of £6,509.
We nominated Ludlow & District RDA to help enable them to buy new riding hats as regulations coming in next year means that all their hats need replacing. in addition, their woodland trails were badly damaged by floods last year, making them unusable. This donation means that they can make them ridable again, as the adults and children love to ride through the woods.