About Us
Our mutuality: it’s all about you

‘Mutual’. You see that word a lot when you visit our site. It’s even in our name. But you’d be forgiven for not knowing exactly what it means.
In short, it means we’re different. Different from lots of other companies in the way we’re managed and how we operate. Unlike these businesses, we’re owned by and run for you, our members. So instead of making decisions based on shareholders needs, we make them with your best interests in mind.
It means we can do more for our communities, too. Through working with local organisations and establishing our own schemes, it’s been our mission to champion rural causes, safeguard our countryside and give back to the public. Plus, we’re always looking for ways to work more efficiently, cut waste and help protect the environment.
So, not only can you enjoy local, personal service and keep more of your money when it matters, you can take comfort in knowing you’re part of something bigger as well.
Mutual. It’s a small word, but it means a great deal.